AHH Spa Massage-Hawaii MAE3449 Petite Spa

Services and Rates

Investing in massage is an investment in your health. 
NEW-Hand&Jade Stone Massage 90minutes/$155

LA STONE- Is the hot stone modality used and includes smudging and prayer. 

MEDITATION CHAKRA MASSAGE  (ALLOW 90 MINUTES)-This treatment was created by Peggy   Using chakra oils developed in Sedona, Arizona along with guided meditation & imagery this treatment is an extremely relaxing session.  Sound healing bowl finish. 

Forest Bathing Cedar wood tea bath, Ahhhmazing scents and overall feeling of well being.  Get in touch with your spirit on this journey.  
Scrubs, marine mud, ginger root wraps-cleansing, warming, moisturizing -all over body goodness.  I'm so excited to see how good you'll feel!  
AHH Spa signature  24kmask, steam, lavender oil massage, foot treatment. Hot towels, aromatherapy and 2hrs of bliss! $225. Another ahhhhmazing service. Mens mud mask available too. 


Couples Massage$199 / 60 minutes
Deep Tissue Massage$105 / 60 minutes
Deep Tissue Massage$155 / 90 minutes
FOREST BATHING-cedar session$225 / 120 minutes
Herbal Steam Session or Far infrared $35 / 30 minutes
Hot Stone Therapy/Jade$155 / 90 minutes
Lomilomi Massage$95 / 60 minutes
Therapeutic Massage$95 / 60 minutes
Therapeutic Massage$135 / 90 minutes
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